Sunday, May 17, 2020
Review Of The Book By Seth Godin - 1179 Words
The book I choose to review was called Tribes: we need you to lead us. Which was by written by Seth Godin. The book was published by the Penguin Group in 2008 and is only 151 pages long. Although the book is eight years old it still has relevance to today’s business world. â€Å"Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us,†is basically a huge motivational speech from Godin that pushes people to find the willingness to be a leader. He uses small sub topic paragraphs to offer self-help advice and a call to action to those who want to lead and make a change. People will either love the book or hate the book in my opinion. Seth Godin is a great author who has written 18 bestselling books that have been translated in thirty five languages across the world. He is one of the world’s most popular business blogger and is the founder and CEO of the social networks Yoyodyne and Squidoo. He also has his own blog and was one of the three inductees for the direct marketing hall of fame in 2013. He is well known for his four book launch on Kick-starter that accomplished the company goal within 3 hours. Godin definitely knows a thing or two about business and he is definitely a credible leader to take advice from. Most of Godin’s topics circulate around the way ideas spread, quitting, marketing, leadership and mostly on how we can change things all around us. So if you know of anybody who wants to positively lead or change then this is a good book for them. To make a short story shorter, Godin created thisShow MoreRelatedAll Marketers Are Liars by Seth Godin: Book Review1689 Words  | 7 PagesOF MARKETING APPLICATION ON BOOK REVIEW OF â€Å"ALL MARKETER’S ARE LIARS†SUBMITTED TO All Marketers Are Liars†Introduction With that provocative title and opening salvo, well known author, marketing expert and business blogger Seth Godin takes the reader on another landmark journey into the marketing field. After reading All Marketers Are Liars, your approach to marketing, advertising, and your own buying habits will never be the same again. While Seth Godin begins with the disarming premiseRead MoreSummary Of Tribes By Seth Godin1007 Words  | 5 PagesAfter reading the book, â€Å"Tribes†, I was exposed to a whole new way of thinking and leading. Seth Godin did a great job of explaining what a tribe is and how to build your own. I was thoroughly pleased with how he explained the history of the tribes as well as different techniques on how to improve your tribe. He also included very inspirational quotes that can be used to relate to everyday life. Some key concepts he taught in his book was characteristics of a good leader and characteristics of aRead MoreThe Life and Achievements of Margar et Eleanor Atwood Essay1687 Words  | 7 PagesNovember 18th, 1939 in the Ottawa General Hospital. Two and a half months after the beginning of the Second World War (Atwood). 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Whenever I mention this idea, someone usually says, â€Å"But what about soand-so? They publish whenever they want.†My response is to ask, â€Å"Are you Seth Godin?†If yes, keep doing what you’re doing and write another 3,000 thought-provoking posts for the rest of us. But assuming you aren’t Seth, setting a publishing schedule will help you communicate that you are serious about your project. You’re in it for the long-haul, and you’re not going to give up on the followersRead Moredigital marketing impact on consumer buying behavior13654 Words  | 55 Pagesattributes of online consumption behavior. Consumer choice in goal directed behavior is based on a clearly definable goal hierarchy, which involves choices among products and services, information sources, and navigational alternatives (e.g. ordering a book). Consumer choice in experiential behavior is dominated by choices among navigational alternatives based on a relatively unstructured and continually changing goal hierarchy (e.g. net surfing). Consumers’ perceptions of interactivity and its effectsRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 PagesEDITOR George Hoffman Lise Johnson Carissa Doshi Dorothy Sinclair Matt Winslow Amy Scholz Carly DeCandia Alana Filipovich Jeof Vita Arthur Medina Allison Morris This book was set in 10/12 New Caledonia by Aptara ®, Inc. and printed and bound by Courier/Westford. The cover was printed by Courier/Westford. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright  © 2009, 2006, 2004, 2001, 1998, 1995, 1992, 1989, 1986, 1981, 1976 John Wiley Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Dangers Of Teenage Alcoholism - 863 Words
Alcoholism is classified as a chronic illness, an addiction that affects the physical condition of a person as well as the mental. With one in every twelve adults living with alcohol abuse, it is a possibility that the children of these people will grow up and follow their parents. In this pattern there is a never ending cycle of alcohol abuse and dependence that has resulted in alcohol being ranked as the third leading cause of behavior related deaths in America (Facts About Alcohol. 2015, July). There is a higher risk for teenagers who consume alcohol because their brains are not fully developed. The alcohol that they drink suppresses the brain and causes deterioration in memory and learning (Impact of alcohol on the developing brain. 2014). In this paper I will examine the source and reason behind teenage alcoholism and determine the effects the destructive drug of alcohol has on teenagers in different aspects of their lives. Alcohol is a substance that when consumed at an excessi ve rate can be dangerous. However one drink a day for women and two men is considered normal, balanced, and neutral. People are drinking excessively, despite the guidelines for alcohol use. Over six million children live with a parent who goes over the suggested amount of alcohol (Children of Alcoholics 1990, July). Research conducted has determined that children raised in homes with an alcoholic parent test lower in math, reading, and verbal. Of children who grew up in homes with anShow MoreRelatedTeenage Alcoholism1078 Words  | 5 Pages1. According to statistics on alcoholism and alcohol abuse statistics, even though alcohol has been used in a number of diverse ways. a. Throughout history these ways can be called useful, however, known thousands of years ago that abusive and excessive drinking led to negative outcomes and adverse alcohol side effects. b. The symptoms associated with this are mostly societal and personal problems. 2. Research studies have shown that teenage alcoholism is correlated to the age at which teensRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol And Teen Drinking1069 Words  | 5 PagesAccording to Dryden-Edwards (2), teenage drinking is widespread, and teenagers believe that it is acceptable. But, teenagers’ bodies are still developing. They fail to realize that consuming alcohol places them in danger for numerous issues.  Consuming alcohol is more widespread among teenagers than most realize. Alcohol and Teen Drinking (1) reports that three-fourths of seniors, a little over two-thirds of Sophomores, and two out of five 8th graders have experimented with alcohol. With risingRead MoreEssay about Unbderage Drinking934 Words  | 4 PagesIs Underage Drinking a Big Issue in the United States? Teenagers rarely think before they do many things. Many times teenagers go to big blowouts or little get together with their friends. Their first thought is not about death, their grades, or alcoholism; their main purpose is to get drunk fast and sober up before going home by their set curfews. Each year most teen deaths have been caused from underage drinking in the United States, which is a big topic that the government is trying to preventRead More Consequences of Teen Alcohol Use Essay1089 Words  | 5 Pagesmany other special events. Alcohol is a legal drug for people over the age of twenty-one. By the time most teens reach senior high school, nearly all will have faced a choice about whether or not to take a drink. Although this drug is illegal for teenage use a large percentage of teens use alcohol. Many teens die in automobile accidents, which could have prevented if they had chosen to say no. Each year it is blame in the deaths of more than four thousand teens (Claypool, p. 42). No crime kills moreRead MoreThe Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered1705 Words  | 7 PagesSince then, the debated idea of whether or not the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen has been an ongoing topic for decades. Alcoholism affects many people in the United States but promoting it at such young age would not be such a great idea for the youths in today’s society.The drinking age should not be lowered due to the fact that it poses many dangers in the lives of teenaegers especially brain damages, underage drinking has declined since 1984, enforcing alcohol among teenagers mayRead MoreResearch Topic1530 Words  | 7 PagesYou Just Get Blocked. Teenage Drinkers: Reckless Rebellion or Responsible Reproduction? Authors: Johnson, Peter1 Source: Children amp; Society. Sep2011, Vol. 25 Issue 5, p394-405. 12p. Document Type: Article Subject Terms: *ALCOHOLISM -- Psychological aspects *ALCOHOLISM -- Risk factors *ATTITUDE (Psychology) *CULTURE *FOCUS groups *SOCIOLOGY *STEREOTYPES (Social psychology) *AFFINITY groups *NARRATIVES *ADOLESCENCE Geographic Terms: GREAT Britain Author-SuppliedRead MoreAlcoholism: An Enemy of the Abandon Essay1034 Words  | 5 Pagesreporter, investigates a Native American tribe and discovers that alcohol abuse is common in the reservation. Alcoholism is portray as an enemy to Native Americans; however, alcohol becomes a tool that matures Alexie as an individual. Therefore, alcoholism through the story of the author’s life can educate society to care for communities that struggle with alcohol abuses. Alcoholism establishes sorrows in the native american’s community in Pine Ridge because many of the civilians endanger eachRead More The Problem of Teen Alcoholism in the United States Essay1870 Words  | 8 Pagesthings. Many times teenagers go to big blowouts or little get togethers with their friends. Their first thought is not about death, their grades, or alcoholism; their main purpose is to get drunk fast and sober up before going home by their set curfews. At parties, teenagers have an average of five or more beers in one night. In the United States teenage drinking has become a major problem, with about 3.3 million teens as problem drinkers. ?One-fourth of all seventh through twelfth graders admit toRead MoreEssay about The Banning of Alcohol1203 Words  | 5 Pagesdie as a result of drinking: 1,900 from motor vehicle accidents, 1,600 from homicides, 300 from suicides, and hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drowning. This shows that anyone on the road near an intoxicated driver is in grave danger as they can be killed or badly injured in an instant as the drunk driver has slight control over anything they are doing. Many reckless kills have been made by drunken drivers/people over the years resulting in many families to pay the price of losingRead MoreSwedish Vampire Films and Their Effect On Youth Essay900 Words  | 4 Pagesmonster, but she is a complex character with which the audience can sympathize as she appears to be a twelve year old girl. Although Eli is not a human child, Eli represents youth fighting against the dangers of Swedish society. Eli must murder to stay alive, and the victims can represent danger to the Swedish welfare state. According to Wright, â€Å"in contrast to the vampire figures of innumerable earlier films, Eli derives no pleasure from luring, attacking and killing human victims, preferring
Microsoft Case Argumentative Essay Example For Students
Microsoft Case Argumentative Essay As far as Ive seen, this entire ordeal is over a FREE browser that Microsoftincludes with windows for FREE and gives out on the internet for FREE just asNetscape and most other browser companies do. I have yet to see where Microsoftis charging extraordinary prices for any of these FREE programs nor do I see howNetscape, in using the governments definition, a monopoly itself, isbeing forced out of business by Microsofts FREE browser. Remember: the charge is against including Internet Explorer with Windows, notthe Windows monopoly itself. What this entire case boils down to is that a fewWashington liberals are upset at Microsoft for daring to be successful. Theseare the kind of people that hate wealth, capitalism, and anything that is moresuccessful than them. My intention is to show that the case against Microsoft asa monopoly is weak and that the government is wasting its time. As thegovernment jumps to the defense of the all-too-often taken advantage ofconsumer, they have accomplished very little. They tried to prevent the releaseof Windows 98 (a much anticipated and highly demanded program that was and isavailable at reasonable prices) but didnt even phase the consumers secondthoughts. The government is costing taxpayers millions of dollars to pursue thissuit against Microsoft. Microsofts operating system near monopoly is probablygood for us. It is much better to have one operating system than 20 or even 2. Software compatibility, technical support, and setup are much more simplifiedwith one operating system. Programs today are specifically designed to beWindows compatible. Would you rather have 20 (local) phonecompanies, each with a different line and number running into your house or one,as is the case now? Also, Internet Explorer brings browser competition to amarket that is essentially monopolistic itself (at least if you apply JanetRenos definitions of monopoly). Internet Explorer gives Netscape a competitiveproduct where before virtually none existed. The purpose of antitrust laws is toprevent only harmful monopoly. Microsofts operating system near monopoly isharmful in very few ways. Nor is Intels chip near monopoly harmful, nor isNetscapes browser near monopoly. Other reasons easily explain how Microsoftcame about to its size and how new companies constantly spring up in thecomputer industry. Computer software is a very volatile industry. To succeed inthis industry all you basic ally need is a good program and a way to offer it forsale. When Microsoft, or any other software company, makes a program they onlyhave to write it once. When this is done, reproduction of this program is verysimple. All they have to do is copy it on a disk. Since making an extra diskcontaining the program costs all of 2 cents, it is more costly for the softwarecompany to print the box and manuals than it is to make one extra disk. Withthis situation occurring, a good program, once written, can be produced marketedat virtually no additional cost. Well you say, if disks only cost 2 cents,why cant windows sell for 2 cents? Remember that it costs Microsoft todevelop a new program. No matter how cheap a disk is, other costs such assalaries, factories, storage, and programmers always exist. Even thoughdevelopment costs are sunk and additional production costs are nonexistent,other costs are incurred. Besides, supply and demand determines where a pricewill fall. Another thing about the co mputer market is its ever-changing programmarket. As I said earlier, anyone with a good program can be successful in thecomputer industry. Programs come about all the time. For example, the mostpopular finance program is Quicken. Microsofts version, Money, is includedwith many of its programs yet Microsoft, the multibillion dollar a year company,has considerably less users than Quicken, with mere tenths and hundredths insales than the annual income of Microsoft. Another example is Accessories Paintcompared to Print shop or EXPLORER compared to NAVIGATOR. Microsoft offers itsown products as complements to Windows, often for FREE, but consumers stillprefer others. For all we know, anyone literate in programming may develop abetter program than Windows. If consumers like it, we may soon find anotherbrowser monopolist. For reasons similar to this, computer industry leaders havevastly changed in just a few years. At times Apple, IBM, Intel, Netscape,AT;T and even Commodore, have or had l arge, sometimes monopolist-likemarkets. Characteristics of monopolies that cause trouble are (1) restriction ofoutput, (2) higher prices along with this restriction, (3) restriction of entryto a particular market and, in a few cases, (4) lack of innovation due to lackof competition. Not a single one of these problems is experience with Microsoft. .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c , .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c .postImageUrl , .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c , .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c:hover , .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c:visited , .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c:active { border:0!important; } .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c:active , .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc81e0d10810d79eac159cbe53767bc7c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: POPULATION REDISTRIBUTION EssayThese problems are only drastic when an item is in a secluded market with noclose substitutes. Computers are definitely not necessities and there are fewbarriers to entry in the computer market (the only noticeable being computerliteracy). Microsoft certainly does not restrict output and hold prices atextreme levels. If they did, nobody would buy Windows 95 or 98 when it came out. There is no reason to buy an upgrade except that people are looking forsomething new or something bigger and better. New versions of Windows do notsell because consumers arent forced to buy them. They sell because consumerswant them. Many of Microsofts major products are included with Windows. Giving products away at no monetary cost is certainly not restricting output. Even more, it is the lowest price the company can sell at. The only cost ofgetting Internet Explorer, or Netscape Navigator for that matter, is a tied upmodem for about 45 minutes. This is even avoided when Explorer or Navigator areincluded free with another piece of software such as Windows or, in Netscapescase, the software you get when you sign up with an online service. Netscape hadan almost full monopoly (90%) and still has a semi-monopoly at 65-70% of thebrowser market. So what they are worried about? They use the same methods ofdistribution of their software by offering it for free and having Internetproviders include it with their registration software. Before Internet Explorercame along, we sat for long periods waiting for browser upgrades. There wasessentially one browser Netscape two point something. Upgrades have beenalmost constant since the introduction of Explorer. The result: two companieswith advanced browsers competing to build a better browser. Microsoft is not th eonly operating system to choose from. While very practical and well suited forthe current computer industry, Windows is not alone. Many other operatingsystems, some even FREE, are available. There are around nine in the US alone:Linux, Caldera, Solaris by Sun, BSDI, Unix for the PC by Digital, BeOS by Be,Rhapsody by Apple, OS/2 by IBM, and the Macintosh OS. Globally there are biggercompanies that have more of the global market. So how is Microsoft a monopoly ifthere are nine other substitutes in the US alone? Once again though we are notreally talking about the operating system market but I just had to make a bigpoint. Finally and most importantly, what right is it of the government to tellMicrosoft how it can and cannot configure its own software? Once Windows isinstalled, consumers have the option of disabling as much of Windows as theylike. If you dont like Explorer, disable it and get Netscape (for FREE). Wedont need Janet Reno to decide this for us. Just remember that Microsof t is afree company- able to write its own programs the way it wants to just as you cando if you so desire! Dont let Washington liberals fool you with their chargeswhen Microsoft shows hardly any characteristics that make a monopoly dangerous. We are facing a great abuse of the governments anti-trust laws for their onlypurpose is to stop dangerous (and ONLY dangerous) monopoly. Washington shouldnot be able to get in the way of a successful company over Microsofts rightto include their FREE software with their own program.
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