Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Adolf Hitler Personality Analysis - 1186 Words
NAME: Blessing Akintunde. CLASS: Psychology 380 FINAL PAPER. Personality Theory: Analysis of Adolf Hitler Behavior. Personality is a significant aspect of one’s life that cannot be stolen. It drives one’s ways and patterns of interacting with the society around them. From the time of the discovery of psychology, many methods had been used to explain the cause and the development of one’s personality. Through different personality theories that had been illustrated by many psychologists, it had been noted that one’s personality is not a thing that was built in a day. Psychology had made it known that a person’s personality is not something that just come out suddenly, it manifests itself after being bred inside such person. So in this†¦show more content†¦Freud emphasized that a successful completion of these stages would lead to a healthy personality as one grew up. That was not the case for Adolf Hitler. Most of his five psychosexual stages, especially the Phallic stage was not successf ully completed (Philip, Daniel and Krzysztof). Hitler might have gone through Oedipus complex during the phallic stage. He probably developed sexual attraction and desire towards his mother and hatred towards his father. He believed his mother was the only one he could lean on and trust due to his father constant abuse. He developed the desire to destroy his father and never listened to him again. This led to some sort of unconscious competition between Hitler and his father. He was not able to get over the Oedipus complex due to lack of attention from any of his parents. also, he must have been hurt by the submission of his mother to his father. He directed his hatred for his father and his revenge for his abusive past from his father to the Jews and his desires from his mother to Germany (Philip, Daniel and Krzysztof). The Jews served as surrogates of the hatred and jealousy he had for his father. From Hitler’s life and Freud’s theory, one would notice that oneâ€⠄¢s childhood is very important in life because one’s personality is built on. Also, his sexual life was a memorable one (Jane). Although, he was known forShow MoreRelatedThe Multiple Perspectives Of Adolf Hitler Essay2056 Words  | 9 PagesPerspectives of Adolf Hitler. History has had many evil characters, but Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany, is considered to have been the most inhumane, dangerous, and deadliest of all. He made the persecution of Jews official government policy. His wishes led to millions of death. Many people were responsible for the Holocaust, which millions of Jews and others were murdered. As stated in the book Adolf Hitler, Study in Hate, No person bears as much guilt as Adolf Hitler (Roberts 2011). 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